Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Top Tips for Choosing the Name of your Start-Up Business Bramd

The best advice you can get when undertaking, is give you who have gone through your shoes: other entrepreneurs. They already made the appropriate arrangements, failed and tried again, and so on.

However, many entrepreneurs overlook or look at least one very important detail: the name of the company. Sure, they have a brilliant idea that could definitely change the world ... But how the call? Is it your case? If so, do not worry, then we present the top tips for naming your startup, as other successful entrepreneurs.

Do Phonetic
"Crazy names or small startups misspellings have become a trend, but it's frustrating for consumers. Nobody wants to have to spell the name of a business whenever you talk to him. Make your company name is phonetic, so that people will be able to Google it only with what he heard. " Laura Rolder, founder of LKR.

First Focus on the Product
"Focus on building the best product you can, provided you choose the name at the end. Do not spend much time or get stuck looking for one. Continue building and improving ". Ben Lang, founder of EpicLaunch.

Read the 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
"Read the 22 Immutable Laws of Branding by Al and Laura Ries to help you name your new company. Remember, with most businesses, the generic names are destined to fail. What you want is to be different from your competitors as much as possible, to avoid any confusion. Finally, before you pull the trigger, ask 10 random people if they can spell the name, to see if they understand it well ". Matt Mickiewicz, co-founder of 99designs and Flippa.

Stay away from the Ingenio
"Although we see many businesses with names that include puns rogues, it is important to stay away from that. It's like getting a tattoo you like now, but which later regret. Think of the leading brands. Some of their names are single or just a word in bold. Be simple and captures the essence. Brevity is attractive, deep and reliable. " Steven Le Vine, CEO and President of grapevine pr.

What are you doing?
"Find a name that describes what to do. Thus, there will be no doubts about what makes your company. The name resonate more with people and make them much easier to find. Keep it simple and be able to express your services in two or three words, maximum. " Louis Lautman, founder of Young Entrepreneur Society.

Get the domain. Com
"In case you're struggling to get a handle memorable brand, begins ainvestigar domains that are available or not. Uses a domain suggestion tool, as Nameboy, to get some ideas. From there, choose a. Com makes you stronger sense. Then, make your mark as him. " Logan Lenz, founder and president of Endagon.

Can you remember?
"Tell 10 people the name you are considering. A week later, connect with them again and ask them to say the name. How many were able to remember? If you were under 7, you'll want to consider other alternatives that can truly call memorable attention. " Justin Beck, co-founder and CEO of PerBlue.

Search Evaluates competition
"Before you do all the paperwork, make sure to choose a name that is unique enough to go within the top results in Google. You do not want to fight for the 1st place as does 'Creative Industries LLC'. A bonus is a unique name that will be easier to monitor without arroba mentions in social media and will also be easier to find and engage with your company. " Allie Siarto, partner and director of Loudpixel analysis.

Do not be sued for sloppy
"At the stage of appointment, do not want to select a name that you may have to change it later, or worse, by which you demand that someone else already posted. This can be easily avoided by visiting the website of the office of trademarks and patents in your country and researching every name you can think of. " Nick Cronin, founder of

Make ideas crowdsourcing
"Choose some ideas of his own, but also includes friends, family and others in the industry to help you get something memorable. You could also turn to social media to seek the views and ideas of others. Do not forget to check that domain is available ". Heather Huhman, founder and president of Come Recommended.

Say it loud!
"Sometimes you come up with names that are very well written; inspire a visual brand and have the domain available. But how does it sound to say it out loud? Do you feel proud and cool saying or I'm a little embarrassed? When it sets, is something you'll use a lot, so make sure it is something that works both written and verbally pronounced ". Lea Woodward, founder of Startup Training School.

No matter!
"The name of your company does not matter. Yahoo!?? Does Google? Woot?? Amazon?? Zappos?? Gatorade?? Nike?? These names mean nothing and most of them were invented. The key is to sell well your company, reinforce your brand everywhere and try to do something unique and extraordinary. The more people see your name, the easier it will be remembered. " Jason Sadler,

Choose something versatile and memorable
"Choose a name for your startup can be confusing, because the odds are that the business you start now, not the same you have in 3 years. Think of companies like Yahoo and Google: they have evolved their products and offers, but their names still work and are memorable enough to get stuck in people's minds. " Nathalie Lussier, founder and CEO of Nathalie Lussier Media

Increases Conversion Rate on your website

If you have a website, the ultimate goal is to get as much attention as humanly possible. The care you receive will dictate the amount of income that your site will generate, through advertising or direct sales of your product or service. Attention, however, results in a high or any type of conversion rate. The increase of this requires a lot of trial and error, persistence and a website with great content, products and services.


What is a conversion and how it affects the bottom line of your website? In short, a conversion is a user action that takes the form of a sale, subscription, request for information, watch, listen or download a file. This adds value to your website and is based on qualified traffic. You can calculate the value of the conversion rate, to determine whether your return on investment (ROI) will make all the effort worthwhile.


The qualified traffic traffic is classified as likely to convert. This type of traffic is generated by SEO, paid search, affiliates, organic search, social networks and emails designed specifically for conversion or action by the user.

A / B Testing

The A / B tests are designed to compare two sets of web pages or entire Web sites with slightly different data sets to determine what works best. The test is performed with different samples and a control to distinguish which achieves the best results. Based on the results, the site with the correct variable is chosen for a campaign or permanent application in particular.

What do you offer?

After setting the technical requirements to achieve a better conversion rate, the product you offer must provide measurable value for the customer. The foundation of a good marketing must include product, price, place and promotion, better known as "the four Ps". If you reach the right balance between the four Ps, you can convince your visitors to take the desired action.

Your Content

The content of your website will dictate how a user interacts with it and, if you have the right information in an easy to digest, you lose a lot of potential customers. As Bill Gates said "content is king", and if you have quality content with relevant information for the audience you're trying to catch, you're wasting your time. Put yourself in the user and ask yourself if the content you are reading is fun to read, it's entertaining and compelling and gives you valuable information. If abordas all these issues, you have a better chance of achieving higher conversion rates.

Enriched Media

Quality content not only means great articles. You can have audio, video, and images that speak to the subject you are addressing. These types of content usually involving the customer in a more personal way, especially if you're going to deliver a message.

Keep SEO Present

Having optimized content with SEO or Search Engine Optimization with keywords to attract organic traffic to your site, you have a better chance of a conversion rate. This is because the user is getting the information after searching for a specific topic. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find the best words for your product or business in particular. When you find the right keyword, insert it into the article proper proportion and in the meta tags, permalinks, and anchor text links using HTML title tag.

You will find many companies offering online marketing services. The information you get will be very confused and sometimes conflicting. What you have to do is find a reliable source and try different settings to find the best option for your business and thus achieve high conversion rates.

6 tips to increase it from your web traffic through Facebook

A study conducted in 137 countries, shows that Facebook are the social network más grande del mundo, siendo el site with more users and activity in 126 countries. This means that one podria be great to Tools pull them brands and B2B organization (Business-to-business) y una buena fuente de promotion de tu web traffic for business.

Here you deliver algunos tips to increase it in your web traffic.

1 - Dale a visual approach

El nuevo display format Facebook is connected to it completely visual. It ahora timeline you can put pictures of the cover and this is what it sees primero la gente al la página enter. Tu Marketing Strategy should basarse visual content in it: for large publishing blog entries, posting one of the graphics llena photo and video en tu article. If you were doing before in this es el time to begin. Recuerda that everything is for the view.

2 - Keep natural

In're required to write up stuff every 5 minutes. Tampoco are recommended to join tu Twitter profile to your Facebook TL because repletando'd be short on Messages from friends and fans tus. Extractions out the Tools pull them all to your disposal, stay nearby to your audience, upload pictures of it staff to them the facilities of the company. La idea es that he muestres product Manera human and attractive to all Quien receive tus publication. Recuerda you are Facebook, on LinkedIn.

3 - Add links to your Page on all them posts

If you're looking to increase it traffic the Web site of tu business are vital Includes a link to it is in everything that you publish. So you're inviting them to enter contacts and discover more things. También puedes DEJAR planteada DEJAR one question and hinted that "the response it obtendrán it come al Next" link.

4 - juego them with Apps

How ya you mentioned, all about it visually. Jugar For more on this feature, you can sign them to add apps boxes that are a la derecha del nombre de tu company (yes, al beside the amount of "I Like" and "Photos"). Puedes be adding content to these squares and them so that users enter al tu profile business, they will have more options to view it.

5 - Memes

Of course you should keep it seriously at all and the one bad image Darla them to prospective customers, but keep in mind that it is in Facebook and it tu curriculum company. No there will be no problem if he community manager insert the emoticons in them even memes posts. Seriousness and formality in Tienen to mean boredom. But, ¡Ojo! No abuse of this and use it cuando la Only time it warrants.

6 - Recuerda compare results

Tiene muy be pending de la gente de la response on Facebook to see if you're capturing the attention of the rest of it on. También, you should measure the activity that is recibiendo site in al that he're looking aumentarle traffic. Create a conversion parameter to compare the results and see if the Strategy that are using it are in the right.

How to use marketing as it is useless to spend more than the great?

In 1984, Jim Koch founded the Boston Beer Co., maker of beer Samuel Adams Boston Lager and answer the following question: How to use marketing as it is useless to spend more than the great?

Jim Koch responds:

Forget the media buying and advertising agencies. If you are competing with people who have far more resources than you, traditional marketing is useless. should start with a product - the case of beer or software - that is significantly better or cheaper than the established competition. also have to be that changing the perceptions of people, it will take time. It took 10 years to Sam Adams, achieve national distribution, and after 23 years still has only 0.7% of the U.S. beer market.

The next step is to find consumers whose needs covering the product . No need to be a lot of people. We address the imported beer drinkers 30 bars of Boston. We learned that one needs not only to convince the decision maker (for us, the general manager of the bar), but also the influencers (the bartender), and you need a 10-second pitch that can tell customers. Ours was: "Try this new beer. It is made by hand in small batches. You will like the taste. "

When you're trying to educate consumers, small things make the big think are below them . For us, that meant table tents, promotional nights and interact with customers to which we were heading. Twice a week, went to the bar and talked to people about beer. That helped me understand what made people not to drink Sam Adams.

I learned that people had an irrational attachment to imported beer that had little to do with the actual quality. So we put flyers explaining why our national beer bottles were better. Booklets 1.4 cents each - or about 2% percent of sales - but it was worth. In our third year, we distributed five million of them.

It started making TV commercials until 1996, and did not represent any significant growth. In the end, you can not fool customers into buying a product that is no better than the competition . That is the province of the well-funded companies. A small business has to be better and find a way - the more spectacular best - to show consumers that it is better. Otherwise, say goodbye.