Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Increases Conversion Rate on your website

If you have a website, the ultimate goal is to get as much attention as humanly possible. The care you receive will dictate the amount of income that your site will generate, through advertising or direct sales of your product or service. Attention, however, results in a high or any type of conversion rate. The increase of this requires a lot of trial and error, persistence and a website with great content, products and services.


What is a conversion and how it affects the bottom line of your website? In short, a conversion is a user action that takes the form of a sale, subscription, request for information, watch, listen or download a file. This adds value to your website and is based on qualified traffic. You can calculate the value of the conversion rate, to determine whether your return on investment (ROI) will make all the effort worthwhile.


The qualified traffic traffic is classified as likely to convert. This type of traffic is generated by SEO, paid search, affiliates, organic search, social networks and emails designed specifically for conversion or action by the user.

A / B Testing

The A / B tests are designed to compare two sets of web pages or entire Web sites with slightly different data sets to determine what works best. The test is performed with different samples and a control to distinguish which achieves the best results. Based on the results, the site with the correct variable is chosen for a campaign or permanent application in particular.

What do you offer?

After setting the technical requirements to achieve a better conversion rate, the product you offer must provide measurable value for the customer. The foundation of a good marketing must include product, price, place and promotion, better known as "the four Ps". If you reach the right balance between the four Ps, you can convince your visitors to take the desired action.

Your Content

The content of your website will dictate how a user interacts with it and, if you have the right information in an easy to digest, you lose a lot of potential customers. As Bill Gates said "content is king", and if you have quality content with relevant information for the audience you're trying to catch, you're wasting your time. Put yourself in the user and ask yourself if the content you are reading is fun to read, it's entertaining and compelling and gives you valuable information. If abordas all these issues, you have a better chance of achieving higher conversion rates.

Enriched Media

Quality content not only means great articles. You can have audio, video, and images that speak to the subject you are addressing. These types of content usually involving the customer in a more personal way, especially if you're going to deliver a message.

Keep SEO Present

Having optimized content with SEO or Search Engine Optimization with keywords to attract organic traffic to your site, you have a better chance of a conversion rate. This is because the user is getting the information after searching for a specific topic. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find the best words for your product or business in particular. When you find the right keyword, insert it into the article proper proportion and in the meta tags, permalinks, and anchor text links using HTML title tag.

You will find many companies offering online marketing services. The information you get will be very confused and sometimes conflicting. What you have to do is find a reliable source and try different settings to find the best option for your business and thus achieve high conversion rates.

1 comment:

  1. The goal of every website is to have a higher conversion rate. And we all try to improve this rate by following one or the other way. The information provided by you in this article is valuable and I am grateful to you for sharing it.
    increase conversion rate
